National Wills Week

Contact us now to draft your FREE Will.

11-15 September 2017

Joline Steyn                             Corné Gersbach                         Nilaufer Gaffoor

Cape Town                                     Tyger Valley                                  Claremont
021 424 9200                                 021 914 4020                               021 683 3553               

Book an appointment for your FREE basic Will

Good reasons to have a Will

  1. You can give the final instructions regarding where your assets will go, whether it is monetary assets (money) or sentimental (e.g. a car).
  2. You can ensure the well-being of your loved ones, meaning they will be looked after even when you are no longer there for them.
  3. If you have minor children, you can nominate guardians in your will.
  4. If you passed away without a will, your minor children’s inheritance will be kept in the “Guardian Fund” until they come of age.
  5. By nominating an experienced executor yourself, you relieve your grieving family members of having to settle your will themselves.
  6. By having a will, you avoid any uncertainty and unnecessary disputes among loved ones.
  7. The existence of a will makes the administration of the estate much easier and cost-effective.


This article is a general information sheet and should not be used or relied on as legal or other professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your legal adviser for specific and detailed advice. Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE)